Whether you're beginner level, recreational or pro, Bristol Snowsports is the home for you!
Everyone has to start somewhere, and there's no better place to start than at Bristol uni!
Skiing and snowboarding are incredible sports - great exercise, amazing culture and tonnes of fun. We level the playing field by making our beginner packages incredibly cheap through subsidies, so you can get professional coaching at unbeatable prices. So much so we can have you out in the Alps on our legendary annual trip within several sessions! We've even had beginners train up to compete for Bristol.
It's no wonder we've had over 40 beginners with no previous experience join us in the term of the 22/23 season. We're so proud of everyone who's taking part and we're looking forward to welcoming even more fresh faces into our club next year!
If you would like to get involved, just email beginners@ubsc.co.uk and Alex, our beginners rep, will be able to give you all the information you need.
The first term's beginner package is underway, and signup for the second term will be out after Christmas. It ONLY costs £100-150 for 5 weeks of coaching, transport and equipment rental!
Train & Compete
With dedicated race and freestyle teams for both skiers and boarders, we've got one of the best training set-ups of any university snowsports club. We run weekly training sessions at both Gloucester (one of the best dry slopes in the country) and the indoor SnowDome at Tamworth.
These sessions are open to all abilities and the professional coaching on offer will be sure to help you take your riding to the next level. We always look forward to getting new people into the competitive side of the sport we all love, so don't think you already need to be a pro racer or freestyler to come along! If you're a recreational boarder or skier, we'll train you up.
However, after scoring multiple freestyle podiums at national competitions last year, and with a race team that finished 1st in nationals to boot, UBSC is also the choice for the serious athlete. We have funding to run off-slope training like trampolining sessions, yoga classes, sports psychology and strength and conditioning sessions.
We're also one of the only universities to run our own Alpine training camp in Winter for a week of intensive coaching, all at a massively subsidised price. With regular competitions throughout the year on dry slopes and in snowdomes, there are plenty of opportunities to let your competitive side out - not to mention making loads of great new friends!
If you would like to get involved in racing or freestyle, email race@ubsc.co.uk or freestyle@ubsc.co.uk and James (race captain) and Lucy (freestyle captain) will be able to answer all the questions you may have. Trainings are on Tuesdays for both disciplines and all you need of your own is long-sleeves, long trousers (preferably waterproof), gloves and thicker socks, the rest is provide free of charge!